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Caribbean creative writer Terry Wickham


Who I Am, Really


 Most of us who have big ambitions and even bigger dreams go through life hoping to write something great and/or meaningful, and maybe, just maybe, a bestseller novel, in order to be remembered. Some of us, like William Shakespeare, Sidney Sheldon, Frederick Douglass and Zane, to name a few, actually succeed in a big and positive way. Others, not so much. But we still try, it's built into our genetic make up to try until we succeed or die trying.
My books are my personal endeavor to seek not so much to be remembered but moreso to document my passage through this life. I have always loved writing. Mainly because a thousand words can paint
a most beautiful picture in the minds of those who love to read.

 Publishing is difficult for first time authors, so self-publishing through Amazon has been a blessing to me. Having learned the apps necessary to design my own covers, I did so with amazing results. So this site, also designed by yours truly, is a testament to my effort to make my mark.

 Thanks for coming and I hope you find something you like.


 Terry Wickham

It's not cricket without tea book cover

It's not Cricket without tea

Fun facts written in the Limerick style for Cricket lovers worldwide.

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My Books
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Emma's true love book cover

Emma's true love

The heart has a way of healing and trying to stop it from feeling is usually futile, as Emma is about to find out.

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Heart and Soul book cover

Heart & soul

A collection of Romantic and Spiritual Poetry and Prose

for the eclectic.

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I could love you book cover

I could love you

Ava is torn between the truth and a lie and neither one bodes well for a secure future with the man she loves. What is a girl to do?

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frightful things

Thirteen chilling, thrilling, gut-wrenching short stories
that even Stephen King would be scared to read.

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Frightful things book cover
Too young to love book cover

too young to love

A look into the lives of three teenagers battling with emotions and social ills that confront every one of us at this young and tender age.

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